Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I just want to be beautiful

So summer is here. I think. Personally, summer doesn't feel that different from the other seasons. So a couple of days ago, I made an Instagram. Not to do much, just take photos and look at other people's photos. Most of the time, I see pictures that are really nice. Other times, I get jealous. I was always chubby when I was younger. Unlike most people, I haven't lost the fat. I hate seeing girls who used to be fat like me get so skinny so quickly. I hate the fact that most girls can wear bikinis and short shorts and not think anything of it, and I cant. I even get pissed when I see girls that I know are fatter than me wearing itty-bitty swim suits. Its what I call "an ugly bitch with a pretty bitch's self esteem" (excuse my french) I wish my self esteem was higher. But the truth is, you can have all of the brains in the world but if you aren't the least bit "pretty", you aren't going anywhere.
So you're thinking "What are you going to do about it?" In all honesty, I really don't know. I've tried "dieting " but it never lasts. I guess I'll try it one last time.

1 comment:

  1. You already are beautiful. You don't need to be skinny (like everyone else thinks) to be beautiful.
