Monday, April 21, 2014

What the hell

      It has been about a year since I've last posted anything on here. Since no one in real life cares about what I have to say, I decided to get back to blogging in time for the major life changes that are about to take place in my life.
1. Graduation: The day that I have looked forward to (and continue to look forward to) is about to arrive. Let's just hope I finish my speech in one piece.
2. College: I've recently decided where I am going to plant myself for the next four years. It's prestigious but far from home. I get scared but I always realize that I'm ready to leave. There are too many small minded, unmotivated, meaningless people around here. Someone once told me that unless I want my life to stay the same, unless I want to remain small on the face of a large planet, I NEED to branch out. College is my perfect opportunity.
3. Goodbyes: It feels unnerving to walk the hallways of my school and think that after next month, I will never see these people ever again. While 95% of my school (and the people I know) can go to hell, I can think of three people I'm truly going to miss. I'm also moving after graduation...Don't know how that is going to go.
