Monday, September 17, 2012

IG Pics

I wish that there was more than just a generic "Like" button on Instagram. A "LOVE X1000000000000" would be awesome. Here are my favs

Monday, September 3, 2012

Junior Year

      Wow...I feel like I haven't blogged in forever...I guess it was because school started. Well, anyways, I'm officially a junior! So far, the year has been (for lack of a better term) fine. I don't really feel overwhelmed. Yet. I have four core classes, an extra curricular activity that requires being out of school once a month, an officer in training for National Honor Society, and I plan on joining some clubs (one of which Stan happens to be an officer for). I'm really excited for this year, mostly so I can get everything for college done and over with so I can graduate.(Finally!) I plan on taking my SAT and ACT this spring, which seems a little daunting because I did less than perfect on my PSAT last year.
    Last Friday, I decided to speak with my calculus teacher about an issue that really bothered me (not math related but I'd rather not say here). I ended up staying with her for about 25 minutes, mostly her lecturing me (it was a good one) about my issue. She said something that I've never really registered in my mind. I'm currently tied for the valedictorian spot in my grade. She said that people (in my school especially) are very two faced and will sometimes say things to put you down out of jealousy. I never really thought I'm worth envying. She referred to last year's senior class valedictorian, who was widely loved and hated. She said that many people didn't believe that Sara (the valedictorian) deserved the honor. I think it was mostly because of jealousy. This girl was perfect and basically an academic all-around. I guess I just realized that there are (and are going to be) people who don't think I deserve it. Which really blows my mind simply because I do think I deserve it. Not that it really matters. Valedictorian or salutatorian does not equate to better jobs or better money. But for some reason, it means the world to me. It's the best "good job" I can give my mother, my aunt,my grandmother or my family. It's the best "your sacrifices were worth it" I can give to them. That even though one of your sons has gone off the deep end, there's still hope. Why go to school if you don't intend on being your best? For me, that has always meant THE BEST. Or maybe its my competitiveness. One of my friends once asked me "If you could get straight F's for the rest of high school or kill everyone, what would you do?" It wasn't an easy decision but in all honesty, I only see myself talking to two people (and hopefully married to another) after high school ends. That's how much grades mean to me.
       Grades aren't the only important aspect of this year, I also have a lot of things going on outside of school. First and foremost, I'm doing this leadership program. We get to visit the jail, colleges, and important areas all over my county. Plus, I'm guaranteed great food and being out once a month won't affect my perfect attendance. I'm also excited for NHS. We plan on doing a lot of activities that benefit our community. Finally, (cross my fingers) I'm going on College Tour. Its an entire weekend devoted to visiting colleges all over my state (and my dream school is included). Stan went last year and told me about it (including what he ate at each school). I'm so excited.
     I'm interested in what my junior year has in store for me.