Saturday, May 10, 2014


      So, as you probably don't know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Crazy, isn't it? What are people doing about it? I can tell you, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I'm sick of the lack of attention Mental Illness gets in comparison to, say, Autism or Breast Cancer (not that having those diseases are "better" in any way...disease is disease is disease). I posted a little friendly reminder to my "friends" on FB about it. In spite of the number of likes, how many people actually care? How many "friends" of mine, who I KNOW (and know for a fact that they themselves have been affected by mental disorder) stand in ambivalence? I honestly can't count how many. Words cannot describe my frustration with these people. I beg of you, if you've been affected,  USE YOUR VOICE. HELP END SOMEONE ELSE'S PAIN. SILENCE ALLOWS THE STIGMA TO CONTINUE. I'm not advocating for you to tell the world about your trials, but at least stand by the cause. Unfortunately, I cannot ramble more because I am pressed for time. Til next time,


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